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Invites You To Attend Banner - Festive Board 13

Exploring the Role of Masonic Research Lodges in the 21st Century
Conference and Festive Board

Friday, September 19 and Saturday, September 20, 2025 Spindletop Hall, Lexington, KY


The purpose of the Conference is to open and facilitate discussion on the role of Research Lodges in 21st century Freemasonry.

Rev. Joseph Fort Newton wrote of approaching the matter of Masonic Education “from the right end;” and in Short Talks on Masonry, published in 1928, he offered an approach to the delivery of Freemasonry’s message that was, “neither impossible nor impracticable, if we really mean business in the matter of Masonic education.”  The 2025 Conference will explore and expand upon Rev. Newton’s themes, particularly with respect to how Research Lodges may best deliver the message of Freemasonry to not only the current generation of Masons, but also to future generations of men who enter the Craft.

To date, thirty-six Research Lodges and Masonic societies from twenty jurisdictions including Scotland, England, and Australia, have expressed interest in participating and attending the Festive Board and one day Conference. The Conference is designed to give participants the opportunity to share their efforts in delivering the message of Freemasonry and learn how other Lodges of Research conduct their business. Each participant will be expected to add his voice to the several discussions being held through moderated panel discussions.

This unique Conference will offer the opportunity for participants to network with leaders and members of other Lodges of Research and aid in further development of the labor of our respective Research Lodges.



The 13th Annual Rubicon Masonic Society Festive Board will be co-hosted by William O. Ware Lodge of Research at historical Spindletop Hall in Lexington, Kentucky on Friday, September 19, 2025.

The evening begins with a Reception from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Call to Tables at 7:00 p.m., Introductions then dinner at 7:15 p.m. The evening consists of the 7 Traditional Toasts and Songs throughout. The Keynote Speaker is PGM John L. Cooper III (California) on the topic of Delivering the Message of Freemasonry. Following discussion, the evening will conclude with a Chain of Union and Closing Charge.

W. Brother John L. Cooper III is a Past Grand Master and Past Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of California. He is an Honorary Member of the International Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay. Much of M. W. Brother Cooper’s Masonic career has been spent researching writing on the history and symbology of the Craft.  He is a member of California’s Golden Compasses Research Lodge.  A career educator, M. W. Brother Cooper was instrumental in establishing an annual Masonic symposium at UCLA.  He is the author of The Questing Mind is a Salient Characteristic of a Freemason, along with many other articles and essays.



Hotel Accommodations are at the Lexington Downtown Hilton where a block of rooms at a special rate are reserved under The Rubicon Masonic Society Event.Reservations may be made on line or by phone for Thursday, September 18 through Saturday, September 20th.








Reservations can be made by calling 1-859-231-9000, or toll free 1-877-539-1648 or online at:  https://www.hilton.com/en/attend-my-event/rubiconmasonicsocietylexington/


Airports Servicing Lexington
Bluegrass Airport (Lexington) – LEX (6 miles to Hotel)
Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky International Airport – CVG (80 miles to Hotel)
Louisville Muhammad Ali International Airport - SDF (77 miles to Hotel)



The Conference will be hosted by William O. Ware Lodge of Research on Saturday, September 20, 2025, at Spindletop Hall in the renowned Oak Room.

The Conference will open at 8:30 a.m., with a Welcome and Introductions by W.B. John W. Bizzack, who will frame the program for the day and the issues faced by Research Lodges and Societies.


W.B. John W. Bizzack is the Master of William O. Ware Lodge of Research. He is a member and Past Master of Lexington Lodge No. 1 and is a founding member (and current Vice-Chairman) of The Rubicon Masonic Society. He is the author of numerous books on Freemasonry, including the highly acclaimed, Island Freemasonry.  He has served the Grand Lodge of Kentucky as a member of the Committee on Masonic Education and on other committees as well.  In 2019, he was a member of William O. Ware Lodge of Research’s initial class of Research Fellows.  A member of the Society of Blue Friars, he is a Director of the Masonic Restoration Foundation and 2nd Vice-President of The Philalethes Society.


A brief overview of the History of Research Lodges by W.B S. Brent Morris will follow. W.B. Brent who may easily be the most widely recognized Mason in the world.  He is a Past Master of Patmos Lodge No. 70 in Maryland.  After retiring as from a distinguished career as a cryptographer with the U. S. Department of Defense, W. B. Brent launched a second career as Director of Membership for the Scottish Rite Supreme Council, Southern Jurisdiction.  From there, he went on to serve as editor of Heredom, “The Plumbline,” and “The Scottish Rite Journal.”   The author of numerous books and articles about Freemasonry, W. B. Brent is a member and Fellow of the Philalethes Society, a member and Past Master of Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, the world’s oldest Research Lodge.  He has served the Grand Lodge of Maryland as Grand Director of Ceremonies and is a member of the Society of Blue Friars.  Among his many other accolades, W. B. Brent is an Honorary Member of The Rubicon Masonic Society.

*Morris’s 2025 Survey of Lodge of Research and Societies will be distributed and discussed at Saturday’s event.



W.B. Rich Hanson is a member and Past Master of Ted Adams Lodge of Research in Kentucky. He currently serves the Grand Lodge of Kentucky as the Chairman of the Committee on Masonic Education.  He is a Past Master of Jake Rice Lodge No. 606 and Marion Hale Lodge No. 672, both under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky.  In 2022 W. B. Hanson served as Grand Sword Bearer for the Grand Lodge of Kentucky.  A professional mental health counselor, Brother Rich has authored several articles and is a frequent speaker at Masonic symposiums and conferences.  He is an Honorary Member of The Rubicon Masonic Society


M.W. Bro. David James Cameron was initiated into Masonry in Grand River Lodge No. 151 Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada in 1991. As Junior Warden he brought Masonic Education to every meeting by linking the food served to an educational topic. He became Worshipful Master in 2001. He is a charter member and current Secretary of Templum Lucis Lodge No. 747, the province’s second observant lodge, and is the Secretary of the Masonic Restoration Foundation. M.W. Bro. Cameron served as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario from 2019 to 2022. He has been invited to speak at Masonic events in Canada, the United States and Europe, and at the 14th World Conference of Regular Masonic Grand Lodges.


NOTE: The noon meal will be box lunches served by Spindletop.


R.W. Brother Andrew Hammer is the author of Observing the Craft: The Pursuit of Excellence is Masonic Labour and Observance, voted best Masonic book of the 21st Century by the Southern California Research Lodge in 2021. He is a Past Master of Alba Lodge No. 222 in Washington, D. C., and currently serves as President of the Masonic Restoration Foundation.  R. W. Brother Hammer holds Honorary Grand Rank in the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia.  In addition to the many other tributes and honors bestowed upon him, R. W. Brother Hammer is an Honorary Member of William O. Ware Lodge of Research, The Rubicon Masonic Society and Lexington Lodge No. 1.



R.W. Brother David L. Daugherty is a member and Past Master of the Ohio Lodge of Research. He is a member and Past Master of Washington Lodge No. 17, in Hamilton, Ohio, and has served the Grand Lodge of Ohio as District Education Officer and as District Deputy Grand Master for Masonic District No. 2. He holds the title of “Master of the Craft” in Ohio’s Royal Scofield Society.  The author of several papers about Freemasonry, R. W. Brother Daugherty, a third generation Freemason, is a frequent speaker at Masonic events.


Friday, September 19, 2025
Spindletop Hall - Lexington, KY
Reception: 6:00 pm
Call to Tables: 7:00 pm
Dinner, Toasts, Keynote Address: 7:00-10:00 pm

Attire: Tuxedo or Dark Coat and Tie
Open to Masons of All Degrees

Keynote Speaker: PGM John L. Cooper III, California.

The price per seat is $100 if only attending the Festive Board.



September 20, 2025
Lexington Hilton Downtown Hotel - Lexington, KY
Time: 8:30 am - 5 pm

Attire: Suit and Tie. Open to Masons of All Degrees

The price per seat is $100 if only attending the conference.